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: b( [4 N5 G. I以下由sakura1988(我XD)、Piya、ksho一起翻譯的( n% y; J+ F5 z7 C2 j
# |( C4 i! i# K+ n1 ^6 G& Z0 m3 l: q2 G( d7 L
$ x4 |' O, s8 H: D$ H原討論的列串可以到這裡看
2 S. f( ?# U7 U+ y, v; t% M& B8 f* w( Q0 [3 a
Here is a little descritption of what you can do with the ACS and how. I apologize for the missing screenshots, + K7 q# @. U8 X8 I
' o6 L% y; d! d9 d, l" e我很抱歉沒有圖可以讓你更了解, / Z! G2 ]5 w# P# I
" S" v% X5 P& @
but I will also poast a link once it gets uploaded on the tutorial homepage.
+ b$ N. }# }1 w& x- S8 D但只要官方網站新增的它的消息時我也會放上連結。 4 H/ U% d7 l+ T* o* a% D) A) p
: y6 z ?) |1 }5 J E0 f+ P. s% X# D, B$ ^
1 M# r+ N$ k1 \. s7 P) |2 LACS-與戰鬥有關的介紹
9 r4 `- x* S Z
" D" g" b& X; L( DNo matter if its a group-attack or group-defending: If a battle happens, everybody involved has to fight and gets a CR. 2 E. b5 f$ u8 }# i- q
不論它的聯合攻擊或者是聯合防禦: 5 Z) b; a6 n4 q" l& N
假設開戰,每一個有關聯的人必須去參與戰鬥或者是得到一個戰鬥報告(crash report)。
E0 n- ?5 G0 U4 _2 z6 }: x, A" a- u
For defenders: The main-defender (the owner of the planet) is always on the left, and the other defenders follow by the time they arrived.
5 v8 {" W) d3 k3 F+ A針對防禦來說:主要防禦者(持有者的星球)的艦隊及防禦排在最左方, b5 `! t0 M% _- S5 s
5 @( [" j7 U- W" J% |; Q X9 }* n% E ]4 ~# ^( F
For attackers its the same, on the left is the fleet who started the group-attack, and his partners follow. 1 x5 q7 O& N# q0 k U( O/ v) x
同樣的對攻擊者而言,在左方的是攻擊發動者,其他的攻擊者的排列次序則跟據他們抵達的先後次而定。 " S# r4 L8 L2 N6 }
% z( r' X" v( ^, O6 Y( K: _The ships during the whole battle belong to its owners and use his techs.
( @$ _! U7 }$ o9 U2 Z6 c" s在戰爭期間的船是屬於它們的持有者並且使用它的「三圍」。 6 Z+ ^" c9 I* O4 g. T" S' n
7 p9 {% E# [; J; fThe combat-system works like in a normal CR, the fleet on the left shots first (and there the "smallest" unit which is also n the left) and then the others follow.
?( c4 T' u5 z3 n/ _/ M戰鬥系統像一個普通的戰鬥程序在運轉,在左方的艦隊先射擊,接著才輪到其他的艦隊。 8 ?1 o% b- L1 E# v5 ^, {
) e7 Q5 P) L, e! L% c
Battles still last only 6 rounds and the targets are chosen randomly. So the one having the most ships will probably have the most losses too. " ?1 e# R' z2 ?- }2 {" e4 I5 o
戰鬥仍然是維持六回合制,而且目標是被亂數選擇的。 & W3 L) U: @ R9 Q% Q6 u! `
" X! J; Q1 A* }+ M' W
$ l# |$ I2 A( ^( f8 iA group-attack can still get max. 50 of the planets ares, and those are then splitted up between the attackers. Who has the more cargo-capacity gets more. . ?7 {2 q9 s: i# @; l' O' s+ e
1 _0 X, y; L( ~) ]9 X每位攻擊者也能分享奪取的資源。
$ j; X- ]% C: f4 z \每位所得的份量是根據他們的裝載容量而定,容量越大拿越多。 8 Q' u; ?9 V6 S
(有底線的那個a原文沒有,是我自己加上去的,我想他可能漏打吧 ,如果不是還請幫忙修正一下)
: {: H3 L3 ~2 V: C" O1 n! K: w* Y, r/ }% {, Y2 C! a
NOTE: Group attacks count for every attacker as one normal attack in the sense of the bashing-rule.
) l8 J1 O. ?, y4 w2 A: ]! |" a$ ^& I注意:在過度攻擊規則中,聯合攻擊對每位參與攻擊者都視為一次攻擊。
+ _7 i& b3 [& d; O5 R D9 ?5 _* n$ F8 u, f3 _0 T1 T4 G2 p( `) ]
The alliance-depot ) k; @, C" N- m; z
聯盟船塢 ( S; B9 T4 C! T' w
) y3 ]9 Q# M. ^( K* `
The alliance-depot allows you to support friendly fleets with deut, so they don´t have to bring it all by their own.The depot can launch a support-rocket that brings per depot-lvl 10.000 deut to the fleet in the orbit. 6 C: v9 H3 A( u/ E. ]+ { G
聯盟船塢幫助你對友善的艦隊提供重氫(deut=deuterium即重氫), 0 D0 s: u( S8 l/ p) V( P' O
, `9 f( ?; ^5 @* K; U& i- ?這船塢可以發射一艘支援飛船,並對在軌道上的友善艦隊提供「10000 x 聯盟船塢等級」的重氫
& k( s+ Y; S# G& V5 n/ q# g: n. s! E% D$ |- I0 v4 x
With this you can increase the holdingtime. Normaly the max. time how long a fleet can be hold is 32 hours. ( B# C g* L: M2 g# c. Y% s
3 z' n( S' W; V
- Y' D2 G2 _% i1 Z: H; wEverytime you launch a support-rocket, the holdingtime is extended by the time interval in which the fleet uses the deut.
3 q; M; i+ f- E$ N) ~# t* M每當你發射一艘支援飛船,它們能停留在那裏的時間便延長。(時間=提供的重氫/重氫消耗量;即下文的holding cost) ' {* C" X- t0 S L. Q$ w
, W4 q0 z7 N+ }
The bigger the depot, the bigger the fleet that can be hold. . [0 p o9 A2 [ q; L
6 ^3 b; t5 p: o1 a% G
! q1 c! x2 \1 f! b: l
T1 g1 R2 k/ |1 q) a2 yGroup-attacking: ; c5 m6 |/ u, w1 I' g, h6 E7 P( G
' _' W. N. c9 U! l( Y3 p* W' Q, \- r! e
When you send a fleet to an attack you have now the option to invite other ppl to attack with you in a group.
% D) p# ~- _$ x, Q0 \3 R# @8 M, _當你派遣一隊艦隊去攻擊時,你可以選擇邀請其他人與你成為一個團隊一起去攻擊。
2 u' v' D8 P8 U, p(PPL=people=人)
) q! n0 K9 k: J9 ^
" u* h$ d" h/ @You just type in his ingame-name and he gets your invitation. Its also allows you to invite yourself to combine fleets from different colonies.
3 s! d$ P) l9 R+ ^你只要打入他的遊戲ID,他就能得到你的邀請。 * X: ]; E6 N4 d: z: F' V
3 }+ [0 c0 d( F" C( A" i2 x' ~, f5 }- ~/ K. Y
You don´t have to be in the same alliance to be invited.
& k% h7 b4 P& ?/ [' r9 x+ T+ e. I( J你不必在同一個聯盟也可以被邀請。 7 e: @& N, n- t; @) g" ]
) K. M$ q P4 ]% g5 Z6 @* H
Invited players get an IGM (ingamemessage) and have in the fleetmenu the option to join a group-attack. They can choose between all the groups they´re invited to.
7 g' x4 F7 X0 T1 f, r被邀請的玩家會得到一個IGM(遊戲中的訊息),並且艦隊列表會出現加入聯合攻擊的選項。他們可以從所有邀請他們的「攻勢」中選擇參與哪個「攻勢」。 7 r! g n1 C2 m7 ^. e2 c
% v. ?1 F) Y; X, t; `& f; H
Max. 5 players can combine their fleets and every player can add as much fleets as he want, but the group can´t consst of more then 16 fleets in total.
; ^ q( J ^ }/ L! \9 P. M5 @ e/ _最多可以合併五名玩家的艦隊,而且每位玩家可以加入他想要的戰艦數量。
- C) M4 K4 _' E0 a. X2 j但是整個團體不可以由總數超過十六隊艦隊組成。 . M. p2 o3 O7 {. D. a
1 r; e5 e! D0 r; p. W \! u
4 `* \( J+ h8 L B5 U) X' UIn addition: The group-speed may not be lowered more than 30 by new ships. If new fleets are slower, the option for a group-attack is not available! / n2 u% s" ^6 A0 J9 ^
此外:新加入的艦隊的飛行速度不可以和整個團體相差30%以上。 0 K2 o- B" z! N5 p( {+ ^
2 V/ j# v% m# ]4 F4 d' D
. Y0 L: V% C e/ c6 |4 e/ JAs example: A fleet would need 2 hours (120 minutes)to a planet. 10 minutes after the takeoff joins a fleet, which needs 130 minutes. That is possible, since the new fleet slows the group down, but only around 20 minutes (16). Another fleet, which would need 160 minutes, could not join. - o7 x; k- v( I
舉例來說:一個艦隊到達某星球需要二小時(一百二十分鐘)。 ( N0 y( R; p! x( t' \
* P# z- a. `" n這是可能的,因為新加入的艦隊速度比整個團隊還要慢,但是它只差了約二十分鐘左右(16)。 ' y1 m. k& x3 T1 w
而需要一百六十分鐘才能到達的艦隊,就不能加入了。 ; g- R3 k& j. F5 j% u
% Y g7 ]% {5 w7 z' F/ Y3 Z* F/ IYou pay only as much deut as you would pay for a normal attack.
" q ?: r% R% Q! M; T e0 R3 w你只需要付出你平常攻擊所花費的重氫的數量。 7 e' [* e" V% ]
E1 l4 ^# ^6 k5 ~The group flyes with the speed of the slowest ship, and if a slower ship joins, the whole group is slowed down.
3 @1 J8 R, L& _& [整個團隊使用隊伍中最慢戰艦的速度在移動,
. ~& h! b# w- i! }6 Q. j8 M3 i假如一艘較慢的戰艦加入了,那麼整個團體的移動速度都會變慢。
/ ~5 c2 C* O7 E9 d
, [. t0 L1 k: U2 x& B+ YWhen a fleet leaves the group, it still flyes, even when the groupstarter leaves.
$ y4 d0 ~8 x. U: P2 e當一艘戰艦離開了團隊,整個團隊仍然在飛行,即使是發動攻擊的玩家離開團隊。
F; i# _- P" r' L& T J& ^: r4 J- V( s) U. g
After the battle every surviving fleet flys back to where it comes from.
/ m8 x6 s3 L/ S* @7 `戰爭結束後,每艘仍存活的艦隊將飛回它的來處。 . K" Y- Y2 o- W B
3 {/ G; C' w8 N! D3 v
7 Y% _9 Q% q) ?6 Q$ S3 X+ B+ C
7 v J# T I. v; S聯合防禦: % O( c. q o: [- v: A* f
F* L9 m) q' Z9 T/ xThat means that you deploy your fleet to the orbit of another players planet (you´ve to choose the "hold" order for that).
( F( Y5 j5 b/ A4 M這意味著你部署你的艦隊到其他星球的軌道範圍上。 ) a5 |2 X5 x9 ]& N$ P' j
(你必須選擇"堅守"命令才能發出指令) - I: r/ A9 ?# {3 s
* O7 Q+ a) K3 J" GYou can only deploy your fleet to members of your alliance or to ppl from your buddylist.
% ^6 ?' c' @. V4 c C1 I0 MYou can´t deploy the fleet to ppl who are in vacation-mode.
* d6 [" b; D8 x你只可以部署你的艦隊到聯盟的成員,或是好友名單上的朋友那裡。 4 \- c4 _6 i( K6 @$ N, [! I; ~
你不行派遣艦隊到狀態屬於假期模式的人那裏。 " S# `5 ^5 l9 }0 }8 n" P; ]# {
+ w$ l- D5 H: f1 h! i7 ETo deploy your fleet to another persons planet you choose the "hold"-order and set the time how long the fleet should stay there. - N) w) d0 h* U e. I" F; S
你可以選擇"堅守"命令去派遣你的艦隊到別人的星球上去, ( H" d# u& g1 a: U
3 x2 \; l1 I; u5 i! N) [. o# }% R/ u* s' l9 e$ c4 |: d- U a+ }4 _
The longer it stays the more deut is needed. The deut is automatically loaded onto your fleet. Remember that you need a high enough cargo-capacity to transport the extradeut 1 h# O! N2 A4 }( V+ N0 a
' |. [; @' ^4 e- \! e記住:你需要足夠的裝載量去裝你所需要的重氫數量。 - `. {9 E) ^& i( ?; ~/ y1 u H1 R
9 U. j; [5 ~; E9 I6 {! r" |
5 E# L4 h/ ]" D
2 n- \: P) T* M; ?6 Q0 C重氫消耗量 , Z7 u- Q5 d# v' \
$ [) E! |4 z1 H4 F( Z6 }( tsmall cargo 5 deut per hour
: Q6 i2 M8 K) O+ f3 X* N+ a% h* f小型運輸艦 5重氫/小時 ; `: V+ W' ]: m0 t
large cargo 5 deut per hour + X' x( v t3 u C) e/ T
大型運輸艦 5重氫/小時
+ B4 a: o7 R( N+ e" @) S$ n) Qlight fighter 2 deut per hour
) V! P& c Z: c7 R輕型戰鬥機 2重氫/小時
1 m# H3 J V( p5 nheavy fighter 7 deut per hour
% n% ^' C7 c4 o7 a, @! S3 x# l' l重型戰鬥機 7重氫/小時
% Q8 n6 T" F$ _) X3 lcruiser 30 deut per hour ) S. D, T3 o" W7 `" {
巡洋艦 30重氫/小時
. `2 b4 z) l8 C/ uBS 50 deut per hour
8 e! W1 {; }" A( g/ p戰列艦 50重氫/小時 - A0 _( r) l! V8 c# G( z0 ]+ ?5 O
coloship 100 deut per hour
* U2 ]+ x. ~8 [- L( F殖民船 100重氫/小時 + N8 g! P& _0 X+ H, Z( f
recycler 30 deut per hour
1 i. ~2 [! O! ~% }2 _回收船 30重氫/小時
4 b9 _; w4 N7 P& K! j1 l! aprobe 1/10 deut per hour 7 ]6 o8 y0 o* j, l
間諜衛星 1/10的重氫/小時 . T9 a/ Z7 n( m7 P0 C
bomber 100 deut per hour $ R/ u+ C4 q! H# E& W
導彈艦 100重氫/小時 # Y4 o$ q4 f' h9 N" e r+ T
solar satelit -
; ]) I3 p# {5 g5 h( d太陽能衛星 # ~) ^& g9 @7 a9 a3 H
destroyer 100 deut per hour ) }& A/ `5 u! z, ^4 ^8 O/ L
毀滅者 100重氫/小時 0 k1 G4 g) C- Q& v0 r$ \- M9 W& }7 z
RIP (deathstar) 1/10 deut per hour , {* }! A' X$ p3 G0 _7 N9 e
死星 1/10的重氫/小時 8 c$ t2 D0 [! r) y0 x+ C' F- M
7 E' `, C( E8 c1 ^& h1 E
NOTE: When you recall the fleet, all deut is gone.
0 V1 g. b" w+ `! ?注意:當你召回艦隊,所有的重氫還是會被付出。 ( I8 ~" m: {' Z4 Z) v2 Q
' j$ u7 A4 @9 w$ ?$ y& R* g7 t, A
Max. 5 player can hold their fleets on another persons planet. ( I4 p* [# C7 m3 G5 w$ c6 v
: Q- H. B/ q, Q) S% t( p8 V% A: B2 M ?6 w5 h4 ~
If the planet gets attacked, only the planetowner sees the attacking fleet @ his overview. : r% k% ?8 D+ Q* {) G
假如星球被攻擊,只有星球的持有者能看到攻擊的艦隊。 4 H0 H, V% h$ W' \* s( f
(@=at ) : U) W- d* R& p6 \
% O$ O+ W% l- _. |NOTE: If you attack a planet where one of your fleets is deployed on, you fight against your own ships.
( J6 }0 p8 R2 G1 z. a1 S8 }注意:如果你攻擊你艦隊所部署的星球,你將與你自己的戰艦戰鬥。 ( ?& M' {! B& V$ X$ k8 B
! I. p* U* f6 Q2 n(Thanks to Bibob who translated everything) , Q' g* |+ ]2 C# s. D7 X- J0 J8 F
感謝翻譯本文的Bibob 3 D9 R6 k9 S% ? {1 W6 p& e
同時感謝曾幫助我翻譯文章的人~感謝~# e" H5 \9 E; @* G5 Q9 c6 w( Q. S
7 F% ^6 w( a3 N3 Q$ P( o2 c' b7 @
2006-07-05 11:16 最後編輯 |